Saturday, May 28, 2016

I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells.

This is a coloring I did late last night (technically today), and had so much fun with! 

From 'When Octopods Dream' by Laura Medeiros

Without knowing exactly what they were supposed to be, I colored the strange plants like radishes or beets... which seems entirely unrelated to the under-the-sea theme of the rest of the picture. However, given the title of the book, When Octopods Dream, they could very well be vegetables! Who knows what a squid dreams about!

           UPDATE 6/14/2016: Turns out, these "radishes" are actually giant sea kelp! Special
                                                  thanks to Laura, the author/artist, for this clarification! ;)

Laura Medeiros is an award-winning graphic designer who has several coloring books available on Amazon:
(each image contains an affiliate link to the Amazon page for that book)

Psychedelic Marbles 

Celestial Love Song

When Octopods Dream

Laura also has a "friend," an alter-ego who goes by the name Pischtov Chix. Pischtov creates art that's a bit more sassy and sweary:
F-ing Adult Coloring Book

Ms. Medeiros has created books for everyone's taste, whether it's whimsical, fantasy, abstract, or sweary!

*Note: this site contains affiliate links.

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