• Why do you have a blog?
    • I created this blog to showcase my colored pages, coloring book reviews, coloring supply reviews, and my coloring related videos. I originally posted all of this stuff to Facebook, but it became too cumbersome and too overloaded with all of the content that I wanted to post. This blog offers me a little more freedom, and hopefully a wider audience, to offer my services and to show off my colored art.
  • Will you review my coloring book / art product?
    • I am happy to do this for you! In fact, this is the main purpose of my blog - to showcase your products! For coloring books, I do require a physical copy of the book in order to provide a complete review. I will post my review to this blog, as well as Amazon, Etsy, your Facebook page, or even your private online store - anywhere that you would like to have it posted. Just let me know! My reviews are very honest, factual, and carefully written. If I see a problem with your product that may call for a poor review, I will first contact you about it. I want to help you improve your product, and I will only post negative reviews if I have first discussed it with you.
      I am also happy to do video flip-through video's of your coloring books; these get posted to my YouTube channel. I always give the artist or author full permission to use my videos as they please.
      Please contact me here or send a direct email to me at jjcolorzart@gmail.com
  • Can I share my colored pages on your blog?
    • I have created a page within the blog specifically for guest's colored art pages. If you would like to have your colored art page displayed in the Guest Art Gallery, send a message to me using the "Contact Me" form, or send an email to jjcolorzart@gmail.com.